Home Baby girl Names Hindu Latest Baby Girl Names Starting with E | सबसे अधिक पसंदीदा लड़कियों...

Latest Baby Girl Names Starting with E | सबसे अधिक पसंदीदा लड़कियों का नाम अर्थ सहित

Latest Baby Girl Names

Latest Baby Girl Names Starting with E | सबसे अधिक पसंदीदा लड़कियों का नाम अर्थ सहित

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जब किसी व्यक्ति के घर एक बच्चा का जन्म होता है तो उसके मन में एक प्रश्न बना रहता है कि इसका नाम क्या रखा जाए

Latest Baby Girl Names with meaning

Latest Baby Girl Names Starting with E  उसके बाद इंटरनेट के माध्यम से ऐसे नाम का तलाश किया जाता है जिसका एक सही अर्थ हो। कौन चाहता है कि अपने बच्चे का नाम का अर्थ गलत हो।

इन तमाम पहलुओं को ध्यान में रखते हुए Newsviralsk बच्चों के नामों का संग्रह आपके लिए लेकर आए हैं। Latest Baby Girl Names Starting with E , top 50 baby girl names  यहां हम केवल उन्हीं नामों का जिक्र करेंगे जो सबसे  अधिक प्रसिद्ध हो।  baby girl names in Hindi यह एक ऐसा शब्द समूह है जिसके विषय में लोग ऑनलाइन सर्च करते रहते हैं।

प्यारे दोस्तों यदि आप Latest Baby Girl Names Starting with E | लड़कियों का सुन्दर सा नाम अर्थ सहित  दिए गए लिस्ट में से महत्वपूर्ण नाम का चुनाव कर सकते हैं।

Latest Baby Girl Names Starting with E | लड़कियों का सुन्दर सा नाम अर्थ सहित

Name Meaning Religious Significance
Ekta Unity Reflects harmony and togetherness
Eesha Goddess Parvati, Purity Linked to the divine feminine
Eshika An Arrow Symbolizes focus and direction
Ekaa Alone, Unique Reflects individuality and uniqueness
Esha Desire Linked to personal aspirations
Eshani Goddess Parvati Honors the divine feminine
Ekisha One Goddess Associated with spiritual devotion
Ekisha One Goddess Associated with spiritual devotion
Eila Earth Symbolizes the natural world
Eshita Desired, Sought After Reflects aspirations and goals
Ekisha One Goddess Linked to divine worship
Eshita Desired, Cherished Reflects personal aspirations
Elina Pure, Intelligent Reflects purity and intellect
Ekadhana Sole Wealth, Unique Reflects individual value and wealth
Ekakanya The Only Daughter Symbolizes uniqueness in the family
Ekantha Devoted Reflects devotion and dedication
Ekani Matchless, Unique Celebrates individuality and distinctness
Ekata Unity Reflects oneness and harmony
Ekani Unique, Matchless Emphasizes individuality
Ekam One Represents unity and singularity
Ekisha Goddess Reflects devotion to the divine
Esha Desire Reflects aspirations and wishes
Ekisha One Goddess Symbolizes devotion and worship
Ekata Unity Reflects harmony and oneness
Ekanthika Devoted Linked to spiritual devotion
Elina Pure, Intelligent Emphasizes purity and intellect
Ekadhara One who Holds On Reflects resilience and strength
Ekaparvati Wife of Lord Shiva Linked to the goddess Parvati
Ekamurti One Form, Single Image Symbolizes divine unity
Ekisha One Goddess Reflects dedication to the divine
Ekisha One Goddess Linked to devotion and spirituality
Ekakini Oneness Reflects unity and singularity
Ekisha One Goddess Reflects devotion and worship
Ekata Unity Emphasizes harmony and togetherness
Ekisha One Goddess Symbolizes divine devotion
Eshana Wish, Desire Reflects aspirations and hopes
Ekisha One Goddess Reflects devotion to the divine
Eshitha Goddess, Divine Linked to the divine feminine
Ekisha One Goddess Associated with devotion
Ekakini Unique, Singular Reflects individuality and oneness
Eeshani Goddess Parvati Honors the divine feminine
Eesha Goddess Parvati Linked to the goddess symbolism
Ekaa Unique, Alone Reflects individuality and singularity
Ekayana The Only Path Symbolizes a singular spiritual path
Esha Desire Reflects personal aspirations
Eshana Wish, Longing Reflects hopes and aspirations
Ekantika Devoted Associated with devotion
Eshika Arrow Symbolizes focus and direction
Ekisha One Goddess Reflects devotion to the divine
Ekata Unity Emphasizes harmony and unity
Ekisha One Goddess Symbolizes spiritual devotion

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Latest Baby Girl Names
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Baby Girl Names Hindu List given below


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